Awesome stuff our clients turn to us for
Yes, we’re high-quality and to the point, but we’re also thought leaders and research ninjas who are willing the colour outside of the lines to obtain truly effective healthcare research.
As such, we believe that medical marketing research is so much more beyond standard research approaches and off the shelf approaches. Here are some examples of innovative research approaches to encourage you/ we love to entertain.
Capture a true competitive edge with quality market segmentation.
Our proprietary PROfilers© help positioning your novel or existing drug candidate and refine your forecast with confidence as it uncovers true unmet needs
Tricky target groups and stakeholders
Insights to value.
Human Subject Research
Not sure you want to invest in a clinical trial?
Research projects tailored to uncover real world user experiences of medical devices or nutritional supplements linked with proven scaled ratings used in clinical trials can be an alternative
Talk to us - we have the expertise for high quality design and execution of such projects
Innovative approaches
We go the extra mile to spark stupendous insights for your projects.
Smart target group compositions incl. thought leader inclusion from distant biz areas to harness ideas
An ensuite of qualitative online generation tools that spark AHA-effects
Moderation techniques that combine sharpness, listening and empathy
Marketing research for accelerated dynamic decision making (agile research)
Yes, it is possible for business intelligence professionals to deliver quick insights to their internal teams within 48 hrs.
In fact, we’re quite well-known for moderating internal client workshops before crossing over to interview customers (with those results) that same day, and then linking both elements overnight
Co-creation lab, interactive concept development workshop and overnight concept screening (in cooperation with Exploding Potential Ltd.)
Publishing your data or delivering cool posters
Solid insight generation serves well for publishing your data - we do draft and review posters based on our data. Examples
Insight generation metabolic syndrome
The future of cough and cold (KOL project global)
Innovation in Inhalation devices (Handling / Usability study)
Night Care compression ware (Ethnographic A&U project 4 continents)
Nutritional supplements efficacy
Digital tools to manage TD1